
Friday, March 16, 2018

Making Mistakes as a Homeschool Mom

We are just starting on our homeschool journey. I know that as I teach our two younger children – and continue to guide our teenager, I will make plenty of mistakes. I am not perfect. And I know that I have problems accepting that fact.

I know I will make plenty of mistakes in raising and educating our children. There will be times when my patience is too thin, when I expect too much of them, or when I do not expect enough of them. I think the most important thing is for me to remember that I will occasionally mess up. Dwelling on all the possible mistakes that I can make over the next decade or more is not the best choice I can make as a homeschool mom. I need to focus on all the possible successes I will be making with our children.

I cannot speak from much experience as a homeschool mom but I can speak from my experience as a stepmom. The mistakes I think I have made with my stepson include not giving him enough responsibilities. By this, I mean chores. Sure they aren’t fun, but in order to help him grow as a young man who will one day be living on his own, he needs to know how to take care of things around the house.  Dishes, laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc these are all things I want him to know before he leaves the house. I hope to remedy this mistake little by little this year and into the summer when he off from public school. 

If I have any advice to offer other homeschool moms as I start this journey, it is this: Everyone makes mistakes and that is okay. We can learn from those mistakes. I hope you will continue with me as I grow into my role as a homeschool mom.

I am joining up with the Timberdoodle Blog Hop.


  1. I love your honesty - you're rocking the mistakes, just like the rest of us. I'm looking forward to reading more!

  2. oh, we do so need to be willing to admit we'll make mistakes. Mistakes are part of the journey and teaches our children important lessons too. :)

    1. And I know kids are often too afraid of making important because like you wrote - we learn from them.
