
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wordless Wednesday (Mostly Wordless) - Ice Hockey Championship

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My stepson when he was playing before his concussion. 

Smooth sheet of ice for the teams.

The teams lined up at center ice for the singing of the National Anthem.

My stepson wasn't playing because he was only recently given the okay after his concussion.

I linked up to the following blog(s):


  1. Replies
    1. No :)
      But at least his team won. (2nd year in a row they won the championship)

  2. Awesome fun! Sorry to hear about your stepson's concussion though.
    I invite you to stop by and share over at Tots and Me

    1. Thank you...will check it out. I ran out of time on Wednesday to share with many link ups. (Snow day so I had a full house.)

  3. Very fun! We love hockey, being Canadian and all. ;-) Sorry to hear about your stepson's concussion - hope he is back on the ice soon!

    1. My mom hooked me on hockey from birth. She started following the sport with the expansions in 1967. Luckily he has been cleared. But if he gets another concussion, I think he will hang up his skates. I don't think I could handle it. Esp. after seeing good players have to retire early in the NHL.

  4. I don't know much about hockey other than it reminds me sort of when I watched grandson play soccer. Looks like a hard game. Hopefully, he will get the okay to be playing again soon. Glad he is healing. :)
    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. Thank you...he has been cleared but I understand the coach's decision to not have him play. Especially with all the illegal hits to the head that the other team was throwing.

  5. I'm not knowledgeable about hockey tho it does look excitinng.

    1. Lot's of fun. Probably my favorite sport - I have enjoyed it at the professional level and watching my stepson play since he was young.
