
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Back to School: Homeschool Style: Back to School Essentials

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When the back to school commercials start or the seasonal aisles at the store change to displays of pens, notebooks, and glue, do you get excited? Do you start making lists of your own essentials? How many of those items do you purchase in the store versus online?

We have a few essentials in our household for homeschooling. Some are the typical items that any student – whether they attend a public or private school or are homeschooled – might need. Others are things that maybe only a homeschooling family would list as essential.

Essentials in Our Home 

How We Use These Essentials 

We will be using Jellytelly to help enhance our Bible Studies and reinforce character education through their excellent videos. Jellytelly is a streaming service that provides programming for Christian families. We have found the series What's in the Bible? to be a great introduction to the Bible for our younger children and a good refresher for those of us who are older. Personally, I have really enjoyed watching the Friends and Heroes series with our children the Holy Moly! series. Two of the series that are great for reinforcing character education include 321 Penguins! and Monster Truck Adventures.

In the short time that I have been aware of, it has become an essential tool for our family. From the classes and lessons for our children, to recipes for me to try out, to the new forum to share ideas with other homeschooling families, I love it all. And another bonus is the super helpful staff! 

We had the privilege of reviewing Home School Navigator this year as part of the Homeschool Review Crew and it is one our five-year-old's favorite programs. We are in the middle of Level Red and we will be finishing it out this year as his language arts program. It is so flexible and offers so many different activities to hold his interest. You can read more about it in my review!

One of the early activities in Home School Navigator that our children still enjoy!

Do you have any back to school essentials that I didn't list? How do you fit in all those fun projects and electives into your schedule?

If you have a chance, please visit other members of the Homeschool Review Crew to read how other homeschooling families 'work it.'

Here are just a few of the Crew who have joined up for this Blog Hop! 


  1. My daughter is doing Home School Navigator this year and is so excited about it!

    1. It is such a great program! And I love that my 3 year old daughter can join for the stories and books.

  2. This is awesome!! I will have to check that program out!! Thank you!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We aren't homeschooling yet (my oldest just turned 2) but this makes me super excited for when we start! My husband and his siblings were all homeschooled and I'm so thankful that he has experience. I was in public/private schools my entire schooling career. This is a great resource! :)

    1. Thank you! It is so much fun...and a bit daunting but so rewarding.

  5. back to school essential... a week without child for mom. :)
