
Monday, August 20, 2018

Back to School: Homeschool Style: Motivation for a Successful Day

What keeps you motivated to keep going during the day? How do you find the encouragement you need to push through the bad moments?

Personally, I can count five things that motivate me off the top of my head. Maybe one or more of them will help you, too?

Find one thing that makes you happy. 

I enjoy video games. It is really nice to know that after a long day of being a mom and a housewife, I will be able to relax in the evening by playing some video games. I enjoy playing games by myself (like Stardew Valley) or with my husband and sometimes our teen (like Borderlands).

If I don't have time to actually play a video game, I like to watch a "Let's Play" of a game on YouTube. There are so many games out there, it is nice to enjoy them without the actual time commitment of playing them all. Seeing someone else play can help games stay fun and keep off any pressure that games might add.

"To every thing there is a season" 

There are always going to be difficult moments in life but we can take heart that God will see us through – even the darkest times. Today may end up not being a successful day but there is always hope that a new day will dawn with new chances and challenges.

Checklists – A Blessing and a Curse 

Personally, I tend to find the good and bad in using checklists. While I enjoy being able to check off a task completed (I even sometimes add a completed one to my list just so I can check it off!), it is sometimes discouraging to see many unchecked tasks. 

I would recommend keeping checklists simple to things you HAVE to accomplish. That way they can still motivate you but won't bring you down with too many unaccomplished tasks. They can be done another day. 

Get Up and Move Music 

Sometimes to get motivated you (may) just need to dance! I find there are some songs that get me moving like no others. And then there are some that just put a happy smile on my face. Do you have a playlist of motivating music? Or a favorite song that helps spur you on?

Why not give "Way Back Home" by Bob Crosby and the Bobcats a listen? That is one of my go-to tunes.

Good Meals 

One thing I sometimes struggle with is eating. I tend to skip meals as I get involved in tasks. And on other occasions I feel like a failure at dinner time. What to make? Who will eat the prepared meal? Will dinner time be a battle? So one of the things to help keep me motivated this coming school year will be preparing for meals in advance. Not so much a meal plan – because I can't ever seem to stick to one – but having multiple, good options available for each meal.

Do you meal plan? Or do you like to cook based upon inspiration?

Please be sure to check out the rest of the Homeschool Review Crew all week for 5 Days of Homeschool Encouragement!

These are just a few of the members who are participating in the Blog Hop!


  1. No meal,planning, my boys rebel, inspiration strikes when it does

    1. Yeah...hard to meal plan in my house when I have two fussy little ones.

  2. Meal planning has been something I've consistently struggled with. It doesn't seem like it should affect how the homeschool day goes, but yeah, it does. Here's hoping that the plan we're trying this year works for us!
