
Friday, September 28, 2018

It was a dark and bleak morning...Writing Prompts for October

Pen and paper; leaves for October

Do your older children and teens struggle with writing fiction? I remember when I was in high school, we subscribed to a few magazines that would provide the readers with photographs and writing prompts for short story contests. I found these to be influential in my journey towards becoming a writer. 

So take a look at one of the images...or print out the writing prompts for October and start writing your own story or share with your children so they can go on their own writing adventure. 

Happy Writing! 

Fall scene with a bench by a lake

Pumpkin in a field

Leaves with sneakers

October Writing Prompts Worksheet


  1. I need to show these to my kids who also love to write.

    1. Let me know if you use them...deciding if I want to start this as a monthly post idea.

  2. When I worked in a nursery school, we used to have the kids keep journals. We would put objects or pictures on the tables to give the a prompt for their journal. Now granted these kids were not writing but they could either draw the item or it gave them an idea for something else. Some times they would dictate a sentence and we (teachers) would write it for them. I think writing prompts are excellent in helping to either start an idea or build on one.

    1. That is such a cool idea. Helps them develop their imagination onto paper (if that makes sense). For example, our son seems to has the knack to tell stories when playing but not when it comes to school and writing.
