
Friday, February 15, 2019

Blogging Through the Alphabet: Introduction to the Series

Blogging Through the Alphabet: Introduction to the Series

A Mom's Quest to Teach is once again joining in with other bloggers for a Blogging Through the Alphabet series. If you are interested in joining us, I am adding the rules at the end of this post.

Everyone who participates will write with a different theme or goal in mind – except for the common goal of focusing each post around that week's letter. For example, last series I wrote about history topics (and I will for this one, too). If you haven't figured it out yet, I love history. I was a history major and a high school history teacher. I also volunteered for the National Park Service. Other bloggers wrote posts about children's authors or vacation spots. So many interesting posts!

Looking Forward

This time through the alphabet, I hope to write about more American Civil War battles and individuals including Appomattox and General McClellan to accompany the posts I already wrote about Antietam and General Lee. And I am considering writing a second part to my posts about King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. There is so much more to share about them than was in my original posts i.e., more than just Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon or Elizabeth's own marriage problems. Are there any topics in history you are hoping to read about this time?

This new series will start the week of February 17, so be sure to keep an eye out for our new posts!

Blogging Through the Alphabet logo #abcblogging

The Rules

  • Each post must be family friendly. If it is not, we have the right to remove it. 
  • When linking up to this post, you give us permission to share your post and/or a photo from your post in future posts and social media shares. 
  • Place the Blog Button from the site onto the post you are linking up. 
  • Use the hashtag #abcblogging when promoting your post. This will help us find you and help us promote you as well.
  • If you have time, check out a few of the other posts and share the love. 
  • The most important rule is to make sure you are having fun! This is not something we want you to be stressed out over. We want to see all the fun ideas that everyone comes up with for the letters!

Blogging Through the Alphabet: Introduction to the Series


    1. Looking forward to your continuation of the history topics!

    2. History is a great topic, I look forward to reading your posts and sharing some of them with my history group!

    3. I will be fascinating to read what all you write about. I love history. I want to join in, but I'm not sure what I will write about yet. I'll keep thinking on it though.
