
Monday, June 17, 2019

Educating New Entrepreneurs: A Review of The Complete Starter Kit from The Kingdom Code

Reviewing: The Complete Starter Kit, JR Budget Kit, and The Kingdom Code Coloring Book from The Kingdom Code

At some point nearly everyone will hold a job. So, as homeschooling parents, providing our children with the guidance necessary to enter the workforce is a very important task. If we can help our children become entrepreneurs and start their own businesses, then we may be able to instill the tools necessary for them to be their own boss and find joy in their future career. The Kingdom Code, through The Complete Starter Kit, provides kids and young teens with the means to learn about money management and the steps necessary to start their own business.

What Did We Receive?

We received The Complete Starter Kit, JR KCK Budget Kit, and The Kingdom Code Coloring Book.

The Complete Starter Kit includes:

  • The Kingdom Code Textbook – This is a beautiful 244-page spiral bound book with lots of photographs and pictures to illustrate key points. Each lesson in the text is laid out in a similar manner, making it easy for a student to read and understand the messages and objectives. 

  • Activities, Forms, and Notices 
  • Worksheets – These consumable items are very well laid out and would be easy for children grades 3-6 to complete on their own time or with their parents or classmates. They check for understanding, review objectives, key ideas, and key terms clearly and concisely. 
  • Teacher's Guide – The Teacher's Guide is 131 pages split into 27 lesson plans and four appendices, providing parents and teachers with the ability to teach the material to either individual homeschooling students or groups of students in class. 

Preparing for a lesson – getting the worksheets and vocabulary needed, per the Teacher's Guide.

  • TKC Treasure Map – This is a sturdy map taking students along the 27 lessons and allowing them to have a visual of how far they have come during The Kingdom Code.

  • Flash Cards – Parents or students will need to cut out the vocabulary cards for each lesson. The text is very large and easy to read. (I like that it is clear font and not something fancy. Even our five-year-old was able to read through the vocab cards with us.) 
  • Posters (8.5 x 11 inches) – These look nice in the front and back pockets of the binder. 
  • 2 Pages of Stickers (Bonus Reward Stickers and KCK Budget Stickers) – Our teen was excited to see the sheet of reward stickers. He takes his time finding which one he wants to use for the Treasure Map.
  • KCK Receipt Book – I love the practical nature of this receipt book. I think it will really help our teen realize he will be making money so he should start getting customers for his photography business. Once this one is complete, we will probably pick up another for him to use. 

Here is receipt book and some of the very helpful forms that are included.

The JR KCK Budget Kit includes:

  • KCK Budget Poster (8.5 x 11 inches) 
  • One sheet of JOEYS stickers – J is for Jesus (10%); O is for Others (5%); E is for Education (10%); Y is for You (60%); and S is for Savings (15%)
  • My KCK Budget Percentages Page – A great one-page coloring sheet that is a good visual reminder for the student of how money should be divided. 
  • Six coloring pages – These would be good if you wish to divide up the Budget Binder with separate sections to record where money is saved or spent.
  • Instructions for assembling the Budget Binder and zippered pouches (not included) 
The Kingdom Code Coloring Book is a 32-page paperback coloring book that will reinforce the ideas taught in the course with your children. Some of the illustrations are similar to those found in the text. 

What is the Goal of the Program?

The Kingdom Code is about making and managing money...God's way. Through the program, students will be empowered to be entrepreneurs learning how to build a business, develop character, and prepare for the future. It is designed to be taught using a 36-week schedule with two 45-minute days per week. In the Teacher's Guide, it is noted that if this schedule does not fit, you can contact them for support.

Through the 27 lessons children will learn:

  • How to start their own business
  • Learn the basics of economy
  • Discuss the importance of mentoring
  • Brainstorm business ideas and work out details for their business and write a business plan
  • Seek customers
  • Organize time using the KCK calendar
  • Discuss the different types of sales
  • Learn how to keep and manage a ledger 
  • Follow the KCK budget to split up money into five parts using the zippered pouches 
  • Learn more about themselves and build confidence in their abilities to run a business
  • Practical aspects of businesses and economies 

How Did We Use It?

Please Note: This program is geared towards grades 3-6 (ages 10-13 is suggested on the site) so we have made some adjustments to make it work in our homeschool as our teen is working through the program to start his own photography business.

Over the years, our teen has changed his idea of what he wishes to be when he grows up. From a professional ice hockey player to someone who makes gaming videos, he has had a number of ideas and dreams for his future profession. A few years ago, he was graciously given a camera and he began taking very good photographs with it (something he has uncannily done since his first "kiddie" camera). He has been told in the past that he has an eye for art – for a while we thought he might pursue a career in illustrations, comic book art, or another avenue for drawing but he seems to enjoy photography more than drawing.

As neither my husband nor I have started our own business, we thought reviewing The Kingdom Code would be great to help our teen start putting into place what he will need for his photography career in the future. This course will also tie nicely into our future Economics homeschooling course.

I spent time reading through each lesson prior to handing over the text and worksheets to our teen. Sometimes our younger 6-year-old son joined me while I was reading the textbook or cutting out the vocabulary flash cards to learn along with me previewing the lesson.

Each lesson is suggested to take two 45-minute sessions over the course of one week. As I was adapting the material to our teen son, we tended to focus on one lesson each day we studied The Kingdom Code during our homeschooling day. However some lessons took longer than others because I was adapting them and asking our teen to make corrections to what he had given to me. For example, instead of completing the practice and actual surveys, I asked him to write a template for an introductory letter to potential clients. This letter was revised more than once as we decided what information he should include based on what we were studying in the course.

We were moving through the lessons rather quickly but then stalled for a week or two as we discussed and debated a name for our son's business. As this could be his potential future career, we didn't just want to give it any old name. We also wanted to set him up online so we needed to know what he wanted for a name and logo. So, even though we could be further along in the curriculum than Lesson 8 because our son is already familiar with many of the terms and concepts, we have slowed down to make sure we get it all right. For example, we spent some additional time on the marketing strategies activity from Lesson 5 as well as Lesson 4's Bonus Code Work of designing a logo. (In fact, we are still working on the logo but I am proud to say we finally have his business email set up.)

Our Thoughts

From the beautiful presentation of the material when it arrived to the wonderful organization, I really like The Kingdom Code. Starting this course enabled me to really start pushing our teen who has been talking about starting his own photography business for more than a year. Yes, I did have to adapt it to fit our family as our son is outside of the age range, but isn't that what homeschooling is all about—finding a good product and making it fit for your family's needs?

Our curriculum has arrived! 

So many great materials! 

Student's Text – The Kingdom Code Textbook 

Our teen and I are both really impressed with the presentation in the textbook. The full-color textbook is 240 glossy pages that is divided into the 27 lessons. Each lesson is set up in a similar manner with the following:

  • Proclamation
  • Check Your Path
  • Quest for the Clue 
  • Code of Honor
  • Action Time
  • Treasure Seeking
  • On Your Own
  • Kingdom Keys 
  • Bonus Code Work
Simple organization

Bright colorful photos and illustrations 

We both appreciate that the lessons are organized in a way in which we can easily find the information we need to discuss. I like that there are scripture and history references which help reinforce the ideas being taught. I also like that I can include our entire family in some of the activities and bonus code work. For example, in lesson 17 students are asked to interview parents, grandparents, or older friends to share important principles they have learned over time. I love that our teen can talk to his grandparents and even his great-grandparent about life lessons. And finally I like that there are built-in reviews every few lessons.

Teacher's Guide 

The Teacher's Guide opens with a wonderful introduction that goes through the supplies needed, how to organize everything, expectations in the lessons (things taught in the primary sections and those taught in the addition), how to use the different essential elements (activities, worksheets, flash cards, posters, forms, notices, and treasure builder ideas), and what is included in the Teacher's Guide itself. I love things that are organized and laid out clearly for me.

I pulled out the worksheets for each lesson and kept them in the Teacher's Guide until we needed them. 

I did feel that the majority of the Teacher's Guide was more useful for parents or teachers leading a group class or a co-op of homeschooling students. There were reminders to collect items from everyone and make sure students kept items at home (like the budget binder and zippered pouches). Lessons also specifically mentioned 'whole group instruction' and one of the activities we modified was conducting a practice survey with fellow students.

I did like that the Teacher's Guide had specific page numbers (from the Student Text) listed next to activities, a list of materials, and the overview, learning goals, essential question, and space for notes. Having all this information on one or two pages was a bonus for organization for me.

Coloring Book and JR KCK Budget Kit

The coloring book was used by three people in our family. I colored in some of the pages while our teen worked on his assignments from The Kingdom Code independently. Our daughter and I colored a few pages together—she loved that we would work on reading the Bible quotes together. And my mom picked up the coloring book and colored a few pages when I was telling her about the program.

As The Kingdom Code Textbook can be reused, purchasing the JR KCK Budget Kit would be perfect for families who have multiple children working through the program either at the same time or in different years.

Our teen did comment that he thought the program would have a more medieval feel through the entire curriculum but personally, I feel like there was enough of a mix between focusing upon children being knights and Kingdom Code Kids in a past and present context.

I highly recommend The Kingdom Code to families with children in grades 3-6. If you are willing to do a little more work and adapt the program, you can even use it with older children like we did with our 16-year-old teen.

Want to Learn More about The Kingdom Code? 

Are you interested in purchasing The Kingdom Code or another Product? 

The Kingdom Code is graciously offering readers 10% products purchased online from The Kingdom Code. Please use the following code: 10TKC27. Thank you!

Interested in learning about what others had to say? 

There were many families who used The Kingdom Code in their house. Be sure to check out all the reviews to see the different perspectives from families whose children fit the age range and those who might be outside of the range like our own family.

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