
Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Quest for a Great Homeschool Year: Counting on Math for 2019-2020

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The plan for mathematics this year revolves around CTCMath as the main component of our curriculum with additional online programs and hands-on materials for our younger children. Math is one of those subjects that one either seems to love or hate and while our younger children seem to love it right now, our teen seems to dislike it greatly. We are hoping that this is a good homeschooling math year for him.


Our four-year-old daughter and six-year-old son are both working through the CTCMath curriculum. Our daughter is completing the Kindergarten level while our son is completing the First Grade level. They watch short videos which introduce a concept, go over practice questions, and then answer a number of questions on their own (okay, I am sitting next to them to help them if they need it).

One of the questions in the kindergarten set on CTCMath.

In addition to CTCMath, our children are using workbooks from MathSeeds. (You can read my review of the Kindergarten book here.) We also have tons of manipulatives and other hands-on materials to study mathematics. We have a Mickey Mouse clock to work on reading an analog clock and a play money set from Learning Resources.

We also have a number of online resources that the children will continue using such Matific Galaxy,, and I Know It. These three sites provide fun games to either review or introduce new concepts to our children. Our son really enjoys Matific Galaxy and can do even more on it using my phone. Both of our younger children use an older tablet to practice their math (and language arts) skills on

I also plan on putting to use these really cool dice that our son received last year for his birthday. They were missing in our house for almost the entire year but now that I have found them again, I can't wait to use them (along with the rest of our dice).

You can read more in my reviews on Matific Galaxy,, and I Know It.

High School

Last year, our teen took Geometry with Mr. D. Math through This year, I gave him the option of using the Algebra II course on or using CTCMath (that we would be able to review). He decided he liked the idea of CTCMath since there would be videos to watch for instruction (much like last year's Geometry course) and would need to rely upon us less as his teacher.

The videos on CTCMath are short and can be viewed over and over by both student and parent.

We are in the middle of his working through the first dozen or so lessons. I like that we can print the worksheets or he can complete in them in his notebook. And the fact that I can set tasks and see exactly when things are or are not completed through the parent portal helps me keep track of his homeschool work.

We will be using for our teen to review math skills and practice his Algebra II skills.

Not Back to School Blog Hop

This week I am joining up with the Homeschool Review Crew for the Annual "Not Back to School" Blog Hop...5 Days of Homeschool.... Please visit the other members to see what they are sharing this week.

Lots of opportunities to read great "Not Back to School" posts in the Blog Hop!

Patti Pierce - Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy - My Favorite Homeschooling Things
Wendy @ Life on Chickadee Lane - 5 Days of Nature Study
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning - Homeschooling my final 4 
Christine @ Life's Special Necessities - Yes! You Can Homeschool Your Special Needs Child
Sally M - Tell the Next Generation - Tips for Homeschooling Struggling Learners


  1. As my son has gotten older, videos for math have been a real blessing to us both.

    1. Yeah...I think our teen prefers that to a human explaining things to him.

  2. We picked out an Algebra curriculum that had videos too last year but ended up not needing them. I always rather enjoyed the challenge of figuring out math problems and was so thankful that my son seemed to understand the way I was teaching. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home today. Pinned.

    1. If our teen thought through math more like my husband, I don't think we would need the video instruction as much. Unfortunately, our teen was told he was not good at math and I think that stuck.

  3. We are going to be using CTC this year but have used Horizons for several years for elementary. We really liked UnLock Math and Nononsense Algebra, also.

    1. So far CTCMath is really working for our younger, too. Hopefully it will click for our teen, too.
