
Friday, November 8, 2019

A Quest to Celebrate Gratefulness


There are so many ways to help our children be grateful and celebrate that gratefulness not only during the month of November but all year long. Sometimes it is necessary to look beyond the extra things we use and have in our everyday life to see just what we need to have to make our day to day lives successful.

Grateful for Things 

While watching a commercial for an Internet provider, I realized how very grateful I am for the age in which we live. When I tallied up in my head how much I do during the day that requires access to online programs or sites, I was amazed. On a daily basis if I am working on my blog and homeschooling then I need a computer with Internet access, my phone, maybe the television to watch JellyTelly, and sometimes a tablet for teaching with IXL or Matific Galaxy. Then my teen also needs Internet access for his own homeschooling.

Could we homeschool without Internet access? Yes! We have books aplenty, access to our local library, and lots of great print materials. But I am grateful to have my days go more smoothly thanks to access to the Internet.

corn maze

Grateful for People 

pumpkinsThere are times when I need additional help with my blog and with homeschooling. I am very grateful that my husband can find the time to read and edit my blog posts. I have found that my writing is not as strong as it once was. Is this due to aging, my anxiety and depression, or trying to write coherent posts with multiple interruptions? Who knows? But I am grateful my husband edits my blog.

He also steps up the plate when I need help homeschooling. Some times this means helping our six-year-old with a project for Exploring Creation with Astronomy. Other times I need him to step in and help our teen with mathematics or helping with a Chemistry experiment. I am thankful for the opportunity to raise our children together.

I hope that our children will learn to be grateful for things like the Internet and people, especially their father. At the end of the day, we can be happy people if our loved ones are standing by our sides. We have a home, food, clothes, and each other. Most importantly, we have God.

Celebrating Gratefulness 

I joined up with other Timberdoodle bloggers to write about Thanksgiving, gratefulness, and thankfulness this week.

Blog Hop from Timberdoodle

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