
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Book Club: Review of When You Love a Prodigal

photo of house from Canva; book cover of When You Love a Prodigal

I received a free copy of When You Love a Prodigal from Bethany House Publishers in return for my honest opinion. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page. Thank you.

When You Love a Prodigal: 90 Days of Grace For the Wilderness by Judy Douglass is a new paperback book from Bethany House Publishers to "remind you that God walks beside you every step of the way" as you travel with your prodigal. The book includes a foreword, introduction, message from Judy and Josh, resources, and is divided into ten chapters:

path photograph from Canva; book cover of When You Love a Prodigal

  • Love
  • Grace
  • Time
  • Rest
  • Trust
  • Prayer
  • Promise
  • Hope
  • Spirit
  • Gift 
Judy Douglass introduces her prodigal, Josh, in the opening pages. He is in a courtroom awaiting information regarding his arrest. The author then shares with the readers how Josh entered their life as an eight-year-old boy who needed a foster home. Eventually Josh would become adopted by Judy and her husband but his first eight years would continue to weigh upon them all.

Across 90 readings (one for each day), we learn more about Judy and her relationship with her prodigal as well as see how God walks alongside us and our own prodigal on the journey. There are a lot of specific examples provided in When You Love a Prodigal that take readers back to the Bible. References include how God provides grace to both us and our prodigal. Guidance on how to gain trust and hope on the difficult journey is given, as well. 

Each day's section provides a brief reading and ends with two questions. For example, on Day 38: Trust and the Glory of God, readers learn the Hebrew word kabod which means glory and read how we can see God through Jesus. 

photo of path from Canva; quote from When You Love a Prodigal

Day 38 closes with two questions for reflecting upon viewing the glory of God.

I do not have a prodigal in my life. I am very thankful that no one currently in my life has any addictions that control their lives. So even though the examples of a prodigal did not personally touch me, I found many points that I found useful. I made lots of notations as to points I want to review as well as opened my Bible a lot to read and re-read further the scriptural references Douglass was making in When You Love a Prodigal.

I would recommend When You Love a Prodigal: 90 Days of Grace For the Wilderness by Judy Douglass for those who enjoy Christian non-fiction, those with a loved one who could be defined as a prodigal, or those in need of encouragement. Judy Douglass has an excellent way of helping one to open their eyes to the love and grace God gives us all.