
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Journaling Through the Bible: Honor

clip art of a knight

During the month of November in Sunday School, our first grader was focusing upon Honor. He brought home papers that we read together that speak of letting others know that we see how valuable they are to us, the world, and to God. What a wonderful thing to focus upon, especially before Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

Along with short readings asking our son to think about how to treat others and offering suggestions for daily prayers, we read verses from the Bible like: Romans 12:2; Romans 12:3; Romans 12:16; Romans 12:10; and Proverbs 3:27.

Romans 12:2 Quote

Romans 12:3 quote

Romans 12:16 quote

Romans 12:10 Quote

Proverbs 3:27 quote

During November, we talked about putting others first and not holding back to show how we care about others. For our younger son this might mean that his sister gets to pick what board game to play or which television program to watch during lunchtime. These are simple ways he can put his sister first. 

Going through the readings and exercises with our son opened my own eyes to the things in me I also need to work on right alongside our son. I need to ask God for His help to put others before me. This is a "me first" world but it should be about others first. What a great way to honor others!

While it is important to not overlook my own needs and care, I need to look towards how I can give, agree, value, and help others more each day. What a balancing act for any parent! 


Dear God,
Please help me to put others first.
To give more of myself.
To agree more often to fun (and reasonable) requests of my children.
To show how much I value my family.
To provide help where and when I can.


Bible Journaling art; Honor


  1. This is a wonderful thing! Keeping a prayer journal is something I have loved doing. It really helps me talk to God and get my thoughts and prayers out the way I intend to. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. It is so nice to look back through my journal - seeing my thoughts from over the years.

  2. Journaling is such a great habit, and something which has many applications throughout life. I started a spiritual journal back in college and it's still a wonderful resource 25 years later.

  3. Such a great idea. I too love the prayer journal! I also really like the word honor and doing a word study on it.

    1. Word studies can be so good and provide great inspiration for everyday life.

  4. Good practical ways to teach that concept to young kids!
