
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Journaling through the Bible: Listen to the Teaching of God

A Mom's Quest to Teach Logo; Bible background

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Sometimes I feel that life has a way of encouraging me in the most unusual ways. I had previously marked off pages 824-825 in my NKJV Beautiful Word Bible from Zondervan with an index card for some reason. There were no notes on the pages. So, I am unsure what verse was speaking to me. Why did I put an index card at this point in my Bible?

When I was seeking wisdom and guidance because something was troubling me, I turned to these pages – finding the index card. Isaiah 28 was speaking to me. The one heading in particular – "Listen to the Teaching of God" – jumped out at me. Wow! This is what I needed and wanted. I wanted to listen to the teaching of God. I craved His advice and wisdom.

Just what was wrong? I have come to a point where I questioned what movies I want to watch at this point in my life. I have already begun veering away from horror movies (not that I was really interested in movies with lots of blood and gore) and other R-rated movies just by my own choice but now even movies I thought were okay were troubling me. So much inappropriate symbolism that I had previously not seen, had not understood, or had ignored until my eyes were opened. I have to stop and think what DVDs do I want to get rid of off my shelves? What does God want me to do? What does God want to direct me to do?
Text: Listen to the Teaching of God

"Give ear and hear my voice,
Listen and hear my speech.
Does the plowman keep plowing all day to sow?
Does he keep turning his soil and breaking the clods?
When he has leveled its surface,
Does he not sow the black cummin
And scatter the cummin,
Plant the wheat in rows,
The barley in the appointed place,
And the spelt in its place?
For He instructs him in right judgment,
His God teaches him."

Isaiah 28: 23-26

background photo of woman wearing headphones; Text: "Give ear and hear my voice, Listen and hear my speech." Isaiah 28:33

The verses are also about a plowman but God gives us all advice. I do not think this advice is meant just for a farmer. I need to prepare my own soul. God will instruct me in right judgment. So while it hurts that I am discovering the dark side of entertainment, I know that I will be better for letting go and moving away from works that focus upon evil.


  1. I always was a believer, but had never really read the Bible. I started in earnest in 2014, and as you was amazed at what was revealed. Up to that point had thought and always heard never write in your Bible. Well, I did start journaling in it, on paper, and making artwork to go along even though I'm no artist, and I believe it really helps. So many helpful groups I've met online on the way. Happy Sunday, and have a good week.

  2. I write in my bible all the time. I highlight passages that stand out to me at the time and often I write a person’s name or a date.

  3. Interesting how God speaks to us through his word - and although you may not remember why you put that index card there the first time, something there spoke to you! Listening to the voice of God is always a wise choice. Thanks for stopping by Scripture and a Snapshot and sharing!
