
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Journaling through the Bible: Wait

A Mom's Quest to Teach logo; background image of a clock

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It seems like so much of my time of late has been waiting. This lockdown has put so many of our family's plans on hold. We are waiting till restrictions lessen so that we can gather help to move furniture and belongings. We had a timeline for future plans. Now all the deadlines have passed and we couldn't meet any of them. So we wait. Writing a new timeline is impossible as we wait to hear when our state will completely reopen.

Where can I seek encouragement as I wait? Psalm 130 is an excellent place for me to start.

Waiting for the Redemption of the Lord 

Text: Journaling through the Bible; Wait; A Mom's Quest to Teach

"Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord; 
Lord, hear my voice! 
Let Your ears be attentive
To the voice of my supplications.

If You, Lord, should mark inequities,
O Lord, who could stand? 
But there is forgiveness with you,
That You may be feared." 

Psalms 130: 1-4

background image of clouds; quote: "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope." Psalms 130; A Mom's Quest to Teach

Can the Lord stand by me and give me the strength I need to wait? "My soul waits for the Lord." I am eager to hear His response. I pray for the day when we will no longer have to wait for things on earth.

Waiting is so difficult – even for adults. Reminding myself of God's mercy and redemption is so important. Sharing that knowledge with my children is important. We can all weather this storm of waiting with the Lord's help.

notebook journaling; text: I wait for the Lord; A Mom's Quest to Teach


Bible opened to Psalms 130; A Mom's Quest to Teach text


  1. Enjoy seeing your Bible Journaling. I agree, Psalms is soothing and a good place to be reading during all the shutdowns. Happy Sunday

  2. It is hard to wait. I think we will all just have to reset everything when this is all over. It has been a good reminder to me that we live in the Lord’s time.

  3. We have all had to practice our waiting skills lately! Thanks for the reminder to wait in the Lord. Love your hand-lettering.

  4. It feels as if all we’ve been doing is waiting lately. I’ve been using this time for more devotion and prayer times.

  5. I'm starting to catch up after not visiting all the links for a couple weeks. These thoughts and promises are still so relevant today, as we are STILL waiting! I guess there is always something we must wait for, until Jesus comes. Hope all those plans are falling into place in God's timing as you wait.
