
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Book Club: Book Review of Line by Line

Text: Book Club: Book Review of Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere; background image of pen, paperclips. tacks; A Mom's Quest to Teach Logo

I received a FREE copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page. Thank you.

How courageous do we need to be to overcome preconceived notions? What about when those opinions and thoughts are our own that need to be challenged? The characters in Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere find themselves facing down their own futures and realizing that they may not be what they want after all.

In a book set in the 1880s, Jennifer Delamere introduces us to several characters including Alice McNeil who has no dreams of getting married. In fact, Alice has her plans set out to work as a telegrapher and live her own life. She was highly influenced by the proprietor of her school who encouraged her to follow her talents and dreams.

Text: Book Review; Line by Line; image of telegraph

text: Book Club: Book Review; image of Line by Line book coverI enjoyed the inclusion of a real-world historical figure – Andrew Carnegie – into Line by Line. Creating the connection between the male lead character, Douglas Shaw, and Carnegie was very interesting. It also intrigued me that Carnegie was the individual who helped teach Douglas a valuable lesson about what is really important in the world. Becoming rich and building a successful business is commendable and to be appreciated but if one does not give back to their community—if they do not follow in the footsteps of Jesus—then what good is all the riches in the world?

In Line by Line, there are moments of hilarity as Alice attempts to put into action the points and tips she read in the book, The Spinster's Guide to Love and Romance. Then we also see how those actions cause problems for Alice and those around her. The lesson to be learned, at least in the case with her friend Lucy and her brother, Fred, is that sincerity is very important. One should not pretend and flirt if there is nothing really behind the smile.

I think Alice and Douglas learned some very valuable lessons in Line by Line that the readers can take with them. We must show compassion and never be afraid to change. Change is possible within ourselves as well as within others. Personally, I really like how Douglas sees the change in his mother and father when he visits them in Scotland. I pray for similar changes of this nature in my own family.

I recommend Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere to those individuals who are interested in Christian romances, historical fiction, and tales of change. It presents an interesting look at telegraphs – I now want to read more about this technological achievement – and the business world in which they played an integral part. I am interested in reading what happens in the next book in the Love Along the Wires series.



  1. Don't you love when you are left with valuable "take aways" after reading a book!? Sounds like a good one- thank you for sharing!

  2. I’ll check it out. I live historical fiction.

  3. Thanks for the info. I’ve been wanting to do a book club for the longest but never seem to have the time. I love seeing it come alive through your blog though. Thanks again for sharing!
