
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Journaling through the Bible: Wise Love

text: Journaling through the Bible: Wise Love; logo of A Mom's Quest to Teach; two grape clipart

As a member of the Homeschool Review Crew, I was blessed with the opportunity to review a four-week Bible study of Philippians by Julie Polanco. I am currently in the beginning steps of this journey through Paul's letter to the Philippians but I am thoroughly enjoying reading more and learning more about the wisdom and advice that Paul has to offer. The Crew will share a complete review of both this Bible study and the Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans bundle (which I will start after I complete this one) in mid-November, but I wanted to share this wonderful resource in relation to my Bible Journaling.

Text: Wise Love; Journaling through the Bible; A Mom's Quest to Teach

I must admit that, as a child, I did not completely understand the letters included in the Bible. Perhaps, this is because I did not have a firm understanding of the history of this particular time period. After viewing Drive Thru History® - Acts to Revelation, I felt a lot closer to the men who journeyed around the Mediterranean during the early years of Church History. I now know how to properly say the names of all the places and peoples. It was with this relatively new knowledge that I entered into the Bible study by Julie Polanco. 

God has started so many good works in my own life and the lives of those in my immediate family. I feel that, through His guidance, I have come closer to Him and will continue to come closer to Him through Jesus until the day of Jesus Christ. This is what Paul wishes the people of Philippi to do – come closer to God. 

Text: He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; heart drawing

"While we were sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

There has been a lot of suffering in the world and in the lives of many individuals I hold near and ear to me – including my own life. I hope that, through the reading of the words of Paul, I can see that these tribulations do produce perseverance. The perseverance that grows in me will hopefully lead to a stronger character. And what will that character bring? Hope. I am more hopeful than I ever have been before even with all the suffering and tribulations in the world and my own personal life. I pray that everyone can find that hope.

May you find hope each and every day!

photograph of first page of the book of Philippians


  1. Going back and tracing the history and letters did end of interesting once I got with a group and learned how to read the Bible through. Before, I would just start thinking I could read it like a Novel from beginning. Never worked for me so I found a group that broke it down much like you say Julie did. Was much better and in 2014 plus, I finally made it through. Lots to learn, and Paul is interesting. Thanks for visiting me and linking.

    1. I think if I hadn't found a few really good Bible studies, the next step would be to join a group at my church.

  2. The more you know about the history and context of the early church and Paul's letters, the richer they become, don't you think? And they are so full of hope. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Most definitely. I am so glad that I have had the chance to dig deeper into the Bible.
