
Monday, August 8, 2022

Book Club: Book Review of Lies Girls Believe

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Lies Girls Believe; background photograph of beige sofa

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Do you believe lies? Every day we are being lied to, and so are our daughters. The world around us spews lies left and right to everyone. How can we combat these lies? How can we help our daughters find the Truth? In Lies Girls Believe and the companion book for Mom, A Mom's Guide to Lies Girls Believe, Dannah Gresh helps moms and daughters with lies and find Truth. These two books make for the perfect mother-daughter Bible study.

Both books are from True Girl, which hopes to bring moms and daughters closer to each other and to Jesus. Moms can raise daughters who are confident in their faith and in themselves. True Girl offers a variety of resources, including these books to help moms and daughters. There are live and online events, Bible studies, helpful blogs, and fiction and non-fiction books.

About the Books 

For Your Daughter - Lies Girls Believe 

The 170-page paperback book is designed and written for your nine to twelve-year-old daughter. If they are thinking or talking about boys, frenemies, report cards, fashion, and other things that are "normal" in today's world, then this book will help them. There are twenty lies and twenty Truths to help our daughters navigate the world. 

The majority of the chapters begin with an introduction from the fictional character of Zoey (although her problems are based upon those revealed in a survey given to 1,531 girls). Readers are then introduced to several Truths and the lies associated with them. This is accompanied by Scripture verses, personal anecdotes, information from the surveys, and finally, a Truth Lab. In the Truth Lab, our daughters will provide advice for Zoey and work out just which lies they have been believing. There is room for our daughters to write in the book and make it their own.

Part Three focuses on how the Truth will set our daughters free. They will learn how to identify lies and dig them up, roots and all. After the lies are removed, Gresh shares how to find the Truth in the Bible and provides specific places in the Bible to look. 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Lies Girls Believe; books - A Mom's Guide to Lies Girls Believe and Lies Girls Believe

For the Mom - A Mom's Guide to Lies Girls Believe 

The guide follows the same basic setup as the book your daughter will be reading, with introductory sections and side notes for the mom. The guide also provides more details on the survey given to the girls and the moms who participated in focus groups that helped guide the books. There are personal stories and anecdotes shared in the margins and places for you to write your own note and ideas. Most chapters end with a spot for you to write out a prayer based on a particular Bible verse and a suggestion to talk with your girl.

How Did I Use the Books? 

Our daughter just turned seven this spring, so I didn't want to hand her Lies Girls Believe just yet. So, I read through the book for girls first and then the guide. I have found quite a few Truths I can share with her immediately. When our daughter gets a little older, I will share the book with her. 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Lies Girls Believe; photograph of mother reading Guide and True Girl logo

What Did I Think? 

I found myself digging into both books deeply. I had my Bible next to me so I could read the Scripture quotes in context and take notes. While I am happy to think that our daughter doesn't believe a lot of the lies, I could remember times I believed the lies myself. Both books were very eye-opening.

I think these are valuable books for a Christian mother and daughter. there are even a few lies that I can discuss with our sons. The Truth nuggets are wonderful to share with everyone. I also appreciate the author's perspective on marriage, gender, and a woman's roles. These are all important to discuss with our daughter and having a starting point is great for moms today. 

Please visit the Homeschool Review Crew to read more reviews of Lies Girls Believe and A Mom's Guide to Lies Girls Believe.

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