
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Book Club: Book Review of The Military Guide to Disarming Deception

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I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page. Thank you.

Over the last several years, I have seen how important it is to have discernment. Reading the Bible and trusting in the Word of God are even more valuable today as the world moves farther and faster away from its teaching every day. This is part of the reason why I wanted to review The Military Guide to Disarming Deception: Battlefield Tactics to Expose the Enemy's Lies and Triumph in Truth by Col. David J. Giammona and Troy Anderson. 

The Military Guide to Disarming Deception 

This 233-page paperback book is the second book by the authors, Giammona and Anderson. In the foreword, Dr. Robert Jeffress states, "Because we are at war with powerful forces of darkness, we no longer have the luxury to sit back and watch from the sidelines." To help prepare readers, The Military Guide to Disarming Deception looks at spiritual deception, deception in the world system, and personal deception. 

In the preface, we learn that "the purpose of this book is to train people of all ages to fight and overcome deception" (17). As military leaders have used deception throughout history, the authors examine how Satan and evil use deception too.

Each chapter opens with a personal experience relating to the military as told by Colonel David J. Giammona. The rest of the chapter relates back to the real-world story shared with Bible quotes and a multitude of references from a variety of individuals including Reverend Kevin Jessip, Paul Pickern, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Derek Gilbert, and others.

After presenting ways in which we may be deceived, the chapters close with tactics, techniques, and procedures. These are generally all very practical pieces of advice such as asking God for discernment, reading your Bible, and finding a pastor and church that preaches the truth of God's Word based on the Bible. 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of The Military Guide to Disarming Deception; book cover of The Military Guide to Disarming Decption

My Thoughts 

I think if you were sitting on the edge of being deceived, this book would really be eye-opening. As our family has been living in a world where we have directly felt the deception of family and friends who lack discernment, I don't know if I learned a whole lot of new ideas. I agree that God's image and Word are being distorted. I agree that Christians are questioning God but not what they see on TV, the news, social media, and other places. Division is being created. The authors remind readers of Ephesians 4:14. We shouldn't be "blown here and there by every wind of teaching," but that is what is happening. New groups are questioning and rewriting the world around us — and never based upon the Word of God.

I truly appreciate the practical suggestions at the end of each chapter. They are good reminders to continue doing the things we are already doing in our house, such as listening and critiquing with discernment, reading the Bible, and homeschooling our children. So while I was hoping that The Military Guide to Disarming Deception would equip me specifically with ways to reach family and friends, I did find it encouraging that the authors put into words ideas that many see as farfetched.

I would recommend this book to those seeking guidance in today's world. If you are afraid of what you have seen on the news or read on social media, this book helps break it down and examine it from a Biblical worldview. I think it provides excellent reminders for all to seek God and read their Bible. I hope it helps you expose the enemy's lies.

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