
Friday, May 19, 2023

Book Club: Book Review of Authentic Worship

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I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page for more information. Thank you.

"What does it mean to truly worship the Lord?" In Authentic Worship: The Path to Greater Unity with God, the late A.W. Tozer sets out to answer this question. I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Authentic Worship, a compilation of Tozer's thoughts on worship, compiled and edited by James L. Snyder. I found this 154-page paperback book to be full of great insight and helpful observations.

About the Book 

Tozer sets out over the course of seventeen chapters to examine the definition and practice of authentic worship through scripture, reflections, prayer, and hymns. In the introduction, Snyder writes, "Tozer's passion concerning worship was that it always be pleasing to God, as authentic worship, not worship that pleased the carnal Christian or the world" (7). 

Throughout Authentic Worship, Tozer makes the point over and over that the church of today, the Christians of today, often fall into "Cain Worship." People are only interested in worshipping in ways that make them feel good or enable them to go back to their normal lives for the rest of the week. Tozer firmly states that this is not the way we should worship. There should be no doubt that when we die, we will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant." If we allow our worship of God to be anything but authentic, we are in jeopardy after we die. 

Tozer reminds us of some important things necessary in our faith: 

  • We should praise God at all times. 
  • God made creation and loved what He did. 
  • God is the Most High above all earth. 
  • The things of this earth are fleeting, and we don't take those things with us. 
  • We must forgive and not hold grudges. 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Authentic Worship; cover of the book

My Thoughts 

Authentic Worship was a joy to read. Tozer provides so much inspiration for those willing to move towards worshipping God authentically. It is a book on worship, "and yet learning how to worship doesn't come from a book" (151). So, while there aren't specific steps to take, Tozer did inspire me. There were more than a few moments where I felt the need to step back because I needed to question my own worship and beliefs. 

I really appreciated the inclusion of scripture at the beginning and throughout each chapter. Bringing everything back to the Bible and the Word of God is very important to me. The inclusion of a prayer and a hymn at the end of each chapter was also very nice. Being able to pray over the thoughts presented really helps bring them into my heart. 

Readers will walk away from Authentic Worship hoping to worship God with other believers and show the rest of the world the power of Christ. Tozer says we are "called to be a burning bush, a bush with fire in it" (145). We need to be separate from the world but also be welcoming to those who are not Christians. Jesus Himself said, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). It is tragic that 60 years after Tozer's death, his words still ring true: Cain worship outweighs true worship in much of the church.

I would recommend Authentic Worship: The Path to Greater Unity with God to those seeking to worship God through all eternity. Pastors would find this a valuable resource, as would members of his congregation.

I have reviewed other books by A. W. Tozer. Please find these reviews here: 

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