
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Engaging History - Bringing History to Life

United States history, Philadelphia

History has always been one of my favorite subjects. That is why I chose to major in history at college and then became a high school social studies teacher. There are so many exciting ways to study and teach history. From living history like visiting historic sties and seeing reenactments, to fictionalized accounts produced by Hollywood, to literature geared towards readers of all ages.

United States History, Constitution Center, Ben Franklin

During the week of April 23, I will be sharing several history-related books that are perfect for your house, homeschool, or classroom. I will examine books to introduce Colonial America, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the American Civil War, the Underground Railroad, and more to your children.

History, children's books, history books, literature

What are some of your favorite history books? Do you prefer biographies or autobiographies? Do you like historical fiction or books written by scholars? Personally, I think I like reading all types of history books and I can't wait to share some of those sitting on my shelf with you!

Homeschool Blog Hop from the Homeschool Review Crew


  1. History field trips bring it to life for me. We loved visiting St. Augustine, Florida.

    1. I love going to places. Can't wait to bring my younger two children to some of the sites we have already been to with our teen.

  2. One of my granddaughters really enjoys reading historical novels. It really helps it come alive for her.

    1. I also like historical fiction. I have a lot of Jean Plaidy's books on my shelf.

  3. What a great idea for a series - I'm looking forward to this! I always thought history was dry and boring, until we began homeschooling. Using hands-on activities and 'real' books like biographies made it come alive for us!

    1. Thank you! My mom always took us on field trips to historic parks so history was always my favorite subject.
