
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Blogging Through the Alphabet Series Introduction

It is time for a new Blogging Through the Alphabet Series! If you are unfamiliar with what Blogging Through the Alphabet is, no worries, here is what our series is all about.

Several bloggers have joined together to host a link up for weekly blogs based upon a common theme: a specific letter of the alphabet each week. Sometimes individual bloggers have a theme for all 26 blog posts and other times they write about whatever strikes them as interesting for that letter and that week. In the past, A Mom's Quest to Teach has shared two series of Blogging Through the Alphabet posts with a history focus. A Net in Time's shared a series of posts regarding how to breed and raise rabbits (these are so interesting!). Others shared posts about places to visit in their state, children's books, or recipes.

 The Rules

  • Each post must be family friendly. If it is not, we have the right to remove it. 
  • When linking up to this post, you give us permission to share your post and/or a photo from your post in future posts and social media shares. 
  • Place the Blog Button from the site onto the post you are linking up. 
  • Use the hashtag #abcblogging when promoting your post. This will help us find you and help us promote you as well.
  • If you have time, check out a few of the other posts and share the love. 
  • The most important rule is to make sure you are having fun! This is not something we want you to be stressed out over. We want to see all the fun ideas that everyone comes up with for the letters!

What Does Blogging Through the Alphabet Series Mean to Me?

This series provides me with the opportunity to have at least one non-review post a week. I also get the opportunity to share my love of history with others. And I get to research new topics as I pick and choose what I would like to write about each week. For example, I may already have lots of information about the American Civil War and Egyptology, but when it came to writing my posts about China, I needed to do some research. This was fun for me. I love to research history topics. I hope you join me on my journey through history again this series. 


  1. to figure out what topic to choose. :)

  2. I loved the last one. Can’t wait for more!

    1. I really have been enjoying these series - so many interesting ones to read.

  3. aw, thanks for mentioning my series Kristen! :) make my heart smile! I hope to join this time but not sure if I can pull it off. Might be an eclectic series if I do.

    1. I loved reading about the rabbits. I hope to include more links to others this time around - I love reading about the travels, recipes, and resources of everyone.

  4. What a fun idea! I will have to give it some thought.

    1. You can always join for a few letters here and there - no need to commit to the whole alphabet. :)

  5. Has people benefitted from this challenge? Or is it just a fun one and no compulsion to read or share other posts??
