
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Homeschooling with Curriculum: Creating a Connection

Text: Homeschooling with Curriculum: Creating a Connection; logo of A Mom's Quest to Teach; background photo of roses

I received a complimentary copy of these products from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page. Thank you.

I have found a great company that creates fantastic resources. I love being an email subscriber because there are always new materials for me to peruse. And they have recently put together another fabulous resource for homeschoolers. WriteBonnieRose creates a variety of resources that are perfect for homeschooling families that like to do notebooking, research, copywork practice, and more. Recently, WriteBonnieRose has put together a guide for popular curriculum and how you can incorporate their products to align with that curriculum.

I know sometimes even if I am using a curriculum I love, I want to add something in because our children are really interested in the topic and want to learn more. Well, WriteBonnieRose has you covered! 
text: Homeschooling with Curriculum: Creating a Connection; A Mom's Quest to Teach; cover of Benjamin Franklin Coloring Book; image of Franklin Stove

If you use any of the following curricula, be sure to check out the guides at WriteBonnieRose:
  • Classical Conversations 
  • Sonlight
  • The Mystery of History 
  • TruthQuest History 
  • Beautiful Feet Books 
  • Jim Hodges Audiobooks 
You can supplement the curriculum you already use with wonderful products to enhance and enrich your homeschooling days. Of course, you don't need to already use one of the above-mentioned homeschool curricula in order to use the products from WriteBonnieRose. But if you are looking for complementary products, be sure to check out the guides!

text: Coloring Books with Handwriting Practice!; covers of four coloring books - Leaders of the American Revolution, Leaders of the American Civil War, Benjamin Franklin, Women's History

Products We Love

This year, our second grader has been studying the United States using a course at I wanted to modify the course a bit to fit our needs and found a great resource from WriteBonnieRose. We have been including the Exploring the United States Coloring Books, Volumes 1-5 into our weekly studies of the United States. They have allowed us the time to research more about state animals, plants, and famous landmarks as our son also practiced his handwriting skills.

labeling map of Pennsylvania
Using Exploring the United States Puzzles, Activities, and Map Work Volume 1 book to accompany
the Exploring the United States Coloring Book series we are also using.

I also introduced a new homeschool resource to our daughter. The Women's History Coloring Book Level B is a great resource because it opens up so many great conversations about women and their role in history with our children. It features women from the far past like Cleopatra, Boudicca, and Joan of Arc to famous queens like Elizabeth I, Isabella, Catherine the Great, and Marie Antoinette. The coloring book also includes authors like Charlotte Bronte, Harper Lee, and Margaret Rey. If your children are interested in sports, you will also find coloring pages featuring Althea Gibson, Nadia Comaneci, Dominique Dawes. What about if your children are interested in the sciences? The first African American woman in space, Mae Jemison, is included along with Stephanie Kwolek who invented Kevlar. This great coloring book will open so many avenues of discussion with your children as well as help them practice their handwriting skills!

coloring picture of Martha Washington with handwriting text
We started with Martha Washington as we have been reading about the founding of the United States.

Another great coloring book that our daughter is enjoying is Leaders of the American Revolution Coloring Book Level B. She watched part of the musical, 1776, with us one evening and wanted to learn more about John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. It was very easy to fulfill her wishes using the coloring books from WriteBonnieRose. I also let her claim the Ben Franklin Coloring Book for herself so she learns about this famous American citizen.

coloring pencils, coloring page of Grant, Civil War photos book
In addition to studying the United States, we are also spending some time talking about the American Civil War so the Leaders of the American Civil War Coloring Book is a perfect addition. 

If you want to read more about some of the other resources we have used from WriteBonnieRose, please visit my reviews on:

Learning About Science Collection – There are seven books that we reviewed as part of level one that examine plants, animals and habitats, senses, the earth, and states of matter.

From Preschool to High School – Over the years we have used a variety of products for homeschooling our children from a Preschool Skills Fun Book to notebooking pages for our high school student.

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