
Friday, October 9, 2020

Book Club: Book Review of The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus

Text: Book Club: Book Review of The Haunting of Bonaventure Circus; logo of A Mom's Quest to Teach

I received a FREE copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page. Thank you.

I have enjoyed reading books by Jaime Jo Wright since I first reviewed The Curse of Misty Wayfair in January of 2019 courtesy of Bethany House. I think I have since then read all her works that were available to me through our library or through review. I was eagerly awaiting the release of The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus to read and review. Once again, Jaime Jo Wright did not disappoint. From the opening chapter set in 1928 to the closing chapter that ended in happiness in the present day and 1928, I find the story to be very intriguing –  and not to sound like a cliché – a page-turner.

I will admit to having a few concerns because the main character, Chandler, in the present-day Bluff River, Wisconsin, is a single mom who refuses to seek any help or assistance even though she suffers from a serious illness. And then there is Lottie, who provides ghost tours and talks about her ability to communicate with spirits. And there is the life of some of the circus performers who were sinful. I do feel, in general, Jaime Jo Wright resolved all the issues I had with the various characters and plot points. After all, Chandler comes to realize she needs not only her parents and her good friend but also God to help her through her life and raise her son. And Pippa, the main character in 1928, finds a resolution to her own dilemma as to who her parents were within the circus. She is able to work through mysteries and find peace with the entire situation.

As a former employee of a zoo, I really enjoyed the parts where Pippa was assisting in the care of the newborn elephant, Lily. While her appearance at the circus may have been because of a dangerous figure – the Watchman – she was destined to be there to help take care of another misfit - an animal that was both wanted and unwanted like Pippa herself.

Book Club: Book Review; A Mom's Quest to Teach; cover of The Haunting of Bonaventure Circus book


I do want to warn you that there is discussion of a serial killer, drinking to excess, physical abuse, accusations of animal abuse, and the kidnapping of Chandler's young son. The only part that really upset me was when Peter, Chandler's son, was kidnapped. Apparently the kidnapping of children is one of my top fears. 


I would recommend The Haunting of Bonaventure Circus to those who enjoy mysteries, detective-like stories, historical fiction (this book is set in the past and present), and Christian fiction. Once you start reading The Haunting of Bonaventure Circus, you may not want to put it down. I really wanted to know what was going to happen next, so I finished about the last 100 pages in one evening.  Like the other books I have read by Wright, I would love for her to write a sequel because I enjoyed reading about the characters so much.

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