
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Book Club: Book Review of Flooded

Book Club: Book Review of Flooded; wavy clip art background; A Mom's Ques to Teach Logo

I received a FREE copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page. Thank you.

Sometimes a book ends up proving to be more impactful than you thought it might be when you first read the title and description. This was the case for me when I began reading Flooded: The 5 Best Decisions to Make When Life is Hard and Doubt is Rising by Nicki Koziarz. My original reason behind selecting Flooded to read and review was because I was interested in reading more about Noah. I had no idea that the book would have so many relatable applications to my present-day life. 

In the 197-page paperback book, Nicki Koziarz presents five lessons we can learn from Noah and his interactions with God. When our hearts are heavy and there are difficult circumstances we must navigate, doubt enters our lives. Koziarz shares her own personal situations, which led to hopelessness and doubt, and presents five decisions we can make to help push doubt aside. I really appreciate Koziarz's openness in sharing both funny moments (like the escapes of their farm animals) and difficult moments (like the suicide of her brother). An author who is open and honest is most welcoming on a journey to self-improvement.

Book cover of Flooded

Content and Organization of Flooded 

Flooded is divided into five sections, with each focusing upon a different decision. 

  1. To Walk with God 
  2. To Listen to God 
  3. To Rise Above the Doubt 
  4. To Remember Who is in Charge 
  5. To Find the Familiar Faithfulness of God 
These units are then divided into three chapters each. This division makes for easy reading. Readers would probably skip around the book to read just the section they are interested in, but I think there is more value in reading Flooded from cover to cover. This is especially true as we follow the story of Noah from before the building of the Ark to the time when the land was dry and ready for Noah, his family, and the animals. 

"God's in charge of the plan; I'm in control of my obedience." Flooded by Nicki Koziarz; wavy clipart background; A Mom's Quest to Teach Logo

What Did I Think? 

From the appealing cover of Flooded to the heartfelt and honest stories shared by the author, I enjoyed reading this book. I personally struggle with doubt, so tools to help overcome that monster are most welcome. I appreciated that Koziarz spoke to the fact "a large portion of our world believes in God but does not consider the Bible absolute truth" (47) and shared the truth that not much has actually changed in the hearts of humans since the days of Noah. 

As someone who likes to know what is going to happen, to be in control, I enjoyed reading the reminder that we must let go and trust God. Even just the second decision, listening to God, can be difficult because "we don't know exactly where we're going" (60). It is not easy to remember that God knows what He is doing even we do not know. I find myself needing this reminder daily as I take care of my mom, who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease. I need to put my trust in God, who is the one who is in charge. Much like the author, I find myself whispering, "Please, God, no more hard things" (107). 

I would recommend Flooded to those who are seeking help in a world of doubt. There is so much we can learn from the life of Noah, even though his story may seem small in the Bible. We know he came from a long line of faithful-to-God men, was married with three sons, a farmer, and preached. Most of us today are probably not that different from Noah. Hopefully, through reading Flooded, we can rise above doubt and find the familiar faithfulness in God. 

Book Club: Book Review of Flooded; A Mom's Quest to Teach; book cover of Flooded

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