
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blogging Through the Alphabet 2021 Series Introduction

 Blogging Through the Alphabet 2021 Series Introduction; A Mom's Quest to Teach logo; background photo of cannon

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After a bit of a hiatus, I am participating in another Blogging Through the Alphabet series on A Mom's Quest to Teach. After I finished my series on the American Civil War with Z is for Zouaves, I deliberated about what topic or theme I would like to do next. At one time, I thought about writing about World War I or crafts for children's books. But, since I have found myself very busy of late due to work, homeschooling, and family obligations, I decided to stick to one of my favorite subjects. I will be writing another series on the American Civil War.

For this series, I already have some topic ideas including: 

  • Billy Yank and Johnny Reb (thanks to the books by Bell I. Wiley) as inspiration 
  • Devil's Den 
  • Harriet Tubman 
  • Frederick Douglass 
  • Vicksburg 
  • Andrew Johnson 
  • North Star 
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin 
  • Chancellorsville 
These are just some ideas after looking at my bookshelf and flipping through a really neat book the Homeschool Review Crew is reviewing - Famous Figures of the Civil War from Figures in Motion. I still have not narrowed down my list except for the first two posts, which I have in draft form.

Blogging Through the Alphabet 2021 Series Introduction ; cannon background photograph

As a former high school history teacher, I never really got to spend what I consider adequate time teaching the American Civil War. Where I taught, the United States history courses were split into two years. In the first year, the students studied from the founding of America to the end of the American Civil War. In the second year, US History II, students studied from the Reconstruction to the present day (or as far as you could reach by June).  This basically meant that the Civil War was jammed in at the end of US History I. I felt lucky to spend a few weeks on it before we had to prepare for finals.

Just like with any event in history, there is so much that one can study. You can spend a lifetime studying the American Civil War and probably never learn everything. I hope that through this Blogging Through the Alphabet series, I will introduce you to some new individuals and share some new facts. Thank you for joining us on this journey. 

Blogging Through the Alphabet; letters a to z; join us here each week as we work our way through the alphabet

If you would like to join the Blogging Through the Alphabet link-up, please follow these rules: 

  • Your post must be family-friendly. We have the right to remove any posts that are inappropriate.
  • When linking up, you agree to give us permission to share your post or a photo in any future blog posts and social media shares.
  • Please link back to the host's or co-host's blog, and (if you want) use the image.
  • If you can, check out a few other posts in the link-up and leave some comment love.
  • Please make sure your posts relate to the alphabet or blogging through the alphabet in some way.
  • The link-up will be available for one week for each letter.
  • Last of all, have fun. If you can't join for one week, don't stress. Just join next time, and enjoy!
Visit the co-hosts to link up: 


  1. I am so thrilled to see your history posts. I am still learning so much about the American Civil war because I'm sure I don't remember learning any of it in school. Probably because it happened so fast if it was crammed into 2 weeks! LOL. Thanks for joining!

  2. Oh my Kristen. That sounds fascinating. History is so braod and we miss so much when we skim the surface. I'm looking forward reading your posts :D

    Thank you for joining us.
