
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Book Club: The Worst Jobs in History

Book Club: The Worst Job in History by Tony Robinson; Book Cover and A Mom's Quest to Teach Logo

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More than a few years ago, I remember watching a fascinating television series hosted by Tony Robinson on one of the history channels. Many may know Tony Robinson either the comedy series Blackadder or the historical series Time Team which focused upon archaeological investigations. The series that I really enjoyed and learned lots of interesting facts to share with my high school students was The Worst Jobs in History. A few years ago I found the book that relates to the television series and put it on my wishlist. Last year my husband surprised me with a copy and I set about to read it in 2019. As it turns out, it was on my list of books to read in 2019 but I never actually got to finish The Worst Jobs in History: Two Thousand Years of Miserable Employment so I read it as part of the mini-challenges for The AtoZ Reading Challenge 2020.

What is The Worst Jobs in History About? 

The book provides a brief historical look at over 50 jobs from early times to the Victorian Era with a focus upon the United Kingdom. Whether you are familiar with the history of the time periods discussed or not, you will be sure to learn many new things. Some of which you can share over the dinner table. Others are best saved for a time when no one is eating. 

Facts About the Time Periods 

400 Years of Roman Rule in Britain

Book Review; A Mom's Quest to Teach; book cover of The Worst Jobs in HistoryJulius Caesar invaded Britain in 55-54 BC and – for the first 100 years or so – Roman involvement in Britain was hands-off and diplomacy was used. With Claudius coming to power, things changed greatly and invasion and conquest were the names of the day. The Romans created permanent settlements, developed a network of roads, and divided up the countryside to rule it more effectively.

As Robinson states in Worst Jobs in History, "one of the main reasons the Romans invaded Britain was to get their hands on our metals and minerals." The Romans needed lead (for water pipes and making into pewter), silver (for coins and tableware), and gold (ornaments). Gold mining was one of the worst jobs because of the dangers of working underground and backbreaking labor. 

The Middle Ages 

The Middle Ages is a time period where the name doesn't really suit the time period anymore. It was originally called that because it was between the 'Dark Ages' and the 'Modern Era' that was brought in by the Renaissance. So it really isn't in the Middle Ages anymore.

Some of the more recognizable worst jobs in history from the Middle Ages are those of the Arming Squire who would dress a knight for battle and tournaments, the wise woman who has been depicted in numerous television series and movies like Blackadder, and the Leech Collector - haven't we all heard about how doctors of the Middle Ages used leeches for everything?

Tudor Times

The Tudors started with a bang when Henry VII was victorious at the Battle of Bosworth Field. His successors, including his son Henry VIII, would usher in a new era of British history and be remembered into the present day with books, movies, television series, and more. Henry VIII would break from the Roman Catholic Church and his daughter Elizabeth I would bring about the Golden Age for her nation.

The first worst job of the Tudor time that Robinson discusses is that of Executioner. This makes total sense as one of the reasons why Henry VIII is so well-known is due to the fact that he had wives, political enemies, and others imprisoned and executed at the Tower of London. And his daughter Mary I also executed a great number of people when she tried to change the nation back to Catholicism. 

painting of Oliver Cromwell from
Oliver Cromwell (image from

Stuarts Rule England

The Stuart time period in English history started when James VI of Scotland succeeded to become James I of England – joining the two countries together under one royal family. The Stuart family would rule until 1714. This was also a time when the people rose up against the monarch (Charles I) and started a republic for a brief period with Oliver Cromwell in charge. Some have even suggested the execution of Charles I was the starting point that led to the American Revolution.

Personally, I think the worst jobs listed by Robinson are those relating to that of the Black Death. The Great Plague arrived in Britain in 1665 and a great number of tasks needed to be completed in relation to it – including those who were searchers of the dead, plague buriers, and dog and cat killers (these animals were thought to spread the plague).

Georgian Times

The next time period in British history was ruled over by the Hanoverian kings starting with George I. This was another period of immense change in history with the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, and colonization and expansion.

While reading about the Georgian Worst Jobs, I found quite a number that were interesting such as the Bath Guide. I had no idea that their skin would be turned orange due to the high iron content in the water nor that they would be working in mucky waters as people with skin diseases soaked in the waters. I also learned where so many phrases come from such as "learning the ropes" and "loose cannon" when reading about the worst jobs in the Navy. 
painting of Queen Victoria from
Queen Victoria (image from

Victorian Era

The Victorian era began when Queen Victoria started her reign in 1837 and ended with her death in 1901. She ruled for over 60 years and, under her reign, the nation grew and expanded but also faced many more changes, too. 

So many of the worst jobs of the Victorian Era are familiar thanks to authors like Charles Dickens. We have heard of chimney sweeps, rat catchers, dustmen, and those working in the workhouses or poorhouses.

What Did I Think? 

This is definitely not a book to read while enjoying your favorite snack. Many of the worst jobs were ones that involved death, urine, rats, or other aspects of human life that are less than pleasant. But The Worst Jobs in History is an excellent book to read to learn more about the people of the past. Not every person held a fantastic job or was a person of wealth in the past. Too often books, movies, and television programs only share with us about the above-average lives or a stylized account of the past. It is always useful to read about those who held the worst jobs to see how far we have come or how far we will have to go.

If you are looking for courses on some of these time periods, check out

Drive Thru History: Ancient History images from

Before the Renaissance: Middle School World History image from

History Around the World image from


  1. This book sounds like something my teenage boy would love to read!

  2. What's the reading challenge thing? :)

    1. Here is information on their site -

  3. Great thoughts on books for this time period! We're actually studying this right now.

  4. Very unique sounding book. And lots of information on various times, people, and such.

    1. Yes...such an interesting book. The kind of thing that might intrigue people who don't like studying history.

  5. This sounds very interesting, thanks for sharing. I have one daughter who really enjoys history. Great post!!
