Thursday, September 26, 2024

Book Club: Book Review of Meeting Her Match

 A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Meeting Her Match; photo of West VA

I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review or be compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page for more information. Thank you.

Reading historical fiction can be so much fun (especially reading a good one on vacation)! I was lucky enough to start reading Meeting Her Match by Jen Turano while on vacation. It was the perfect book to read while soaking up the sun. So, while Meeting Her Match, the third book in The Matchmaker Series, is set in West Virginia, I was introduced to Owen and Camilla down the shore.

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Meeting Her Match

About the Book 

The story opens with a chase through the Hudson River Valley in the Spring of 1889. Our heroine, Miss Camilla Pierpont, is riding with her companion, Lottie, when unknown assailants attempt to kidnap her. It's during this escapade that Camilla meets Owen who is there to meet her.

Owen Chesterfield is seeking help to make a refined lady out of his sister, Luella. There have been some pretty disastrous run-ins between the Chesterfield and the Murchendorfer families of Wheeling, West Virginia. Eventually, Camilla agrees to help and travels to West Virginia. 

Of course, helping Luella isn't the only plot point of Meeting Her Match. Camilla herself is facing potential matchmaking as is Lottie, Owen's grandmother, and others.

My Thoughts 

This is a really fun book. From Camilla's pets to a surly pig named Esmerelda, there are quite a few humorous and well-written moments. The family and friends of the main characters, while not at the center of the story, jump off the page and invite the reader to learn more about them. 

The description of the homes, furniture, and clothing also brings the novel to life. While reading Meeting Her Match, I could feel myself sitting on the yellow sofa and hearing the swish of period dresses. 

I would recommend Meeting Her Match for those who enjoy historical fiction.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Learning to Draw in Nature: A Review of The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Learning to Draw in Nature: A Review of The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids; background of path in nature

I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product from the Timberdoodle in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review or be compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page for more information. Thank you.

Would your children like to learn about drawing? Do you want to include nature journals in your homeschool routine? The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids is a great tool to help your children learn to draw most of the animals they will see during nature walks, and it presents fun and interesting facts about the animals, too. This paperback book is part of the 2024 Third-Grade Curriculum Kit from Timberdoodle. 

About the Book 

The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids presents step-by-step instructions for each animal presented to help your children get started. It provides: 

  • An introduction to nature exploration 
  • 40 step-by-step drawing instructions 
  • Drawing techniques and tips
  • 15 2-page nature journal pages 
A Mom's Quest to Teach logo; inside drawing instructions of The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids

This 128-page paperback book includes such animals and plants as: 

  • Fox
  • Moose
  • Robin
  • Seagull
  • Maple leaf
  • Saguaro Cactus
  • Bumble bee 
Each animal and plant featured has a one-page drawing instruction page and one page dedicated to a critter profile, observations you can make, and a tip.

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Learning to Draw in Nature: A Review of The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids; book cover

What Do We Think? 

I love the fact that the book does not start with two or three simple steps and then jumps to finishing up with a very complicated final drawing. The artist presents realistic expectations for the children (and parents who are drawing along with their children). 

I found the steps very simple to follow as did our 11-year-old son. Our 9-year-old daughter was a bit more picky because her drawings did not turn out the way she wanted them to. But the more nature walks we take, the better her drawings will be with practice. 

It is a great size! You can easily stow it away in a backpack or bag to take with you on your nature walks. We even took it with us on vacation.

A Mom's Quest to Teach logo; observe and draw your world; seaweed

I would highly recommend The Nature Explorers Drawing Guide for Kids to parents of children ages 6+ whether you homeschool or not!

Note to Christian Parents: There is a brief introduction to Charles Darwin as a naturalist. Nothing is mentioned about evolution in this description. 

Looking To Study More Art? 

Please check out my review of another great art-themed product from Timberdoodle: 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dice, Decks and Boards: A Review of Once a Pawn a Time

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Dice, Decks and Boards: A Review of Once a Pawn a Time; background of chess pieces

I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product from the Timberdoodle in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review or be compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page for more information. Thank you.

Would your children like to learn chess? What if they could learn chess in a fun way that was offline? Once a Pawn a Time is part of the 2024 3rd Grade Curriculum Kit from Timberdoodle and allows you to teach even the youngest children to play chess with its fun and whimsical approach. 

What Do You Get? 

Once a Pawn a Time includes two fully-colored, illustrated books written by chess teacher, Patzi Stewart. Book I presents chess in a fun and fanciful way. If you are working through the book as intended, it will take you one to two hours to complete it. Book II is designed to be read in 20-minute increments to learn about the chess pieces before playing an actual game. 

Book I and Book II of Once a Pawn a Time

The illustrations in the book match the chess pieces. The thirty pieces have amusing faces on them to match the story in the book. Each chess piece has a round circle of felt on the bottom of it. They are also pretty hefty feeling so they won't just fall over.

The board folds up by bending each quadrant into itself. This makes it compact for putting away. The chessboard is also erasable so you can use whiteboard pens on it. And the board is gridded to help you move the pieces according to the books and rules.  

Everything comes in a great box for storage. The pieces have their own bags, and the two books and the board fit perfectly with them into a box that can stand on your bookshelf. 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Dice, Decks and Boards: A Review of Once a Pawn a Time; front of Chess box

What Do We Think? 

I think Once a Pawn a Time is best introduced before your children know any chess. If your children have a basic knowledge of the game, like ours do, they will want to skip ahead and get playing. Since I hadn't played chess in quite a while, it wasn't too difficult to convince them to sit with me as I read through Book I.

I really loved the illustrations in the book. The text was easy to read aloud. The directions as to how to set up the board and how the chess pieces move were easy to understand. My only complaint with the books was that the text was small (there is a lot of information to share) and difficult to read on the darker pages (which are color-coded for the chess pieces). A favorite part of Book II for me was the section on opening moves. I must admit to usually starting each of my chess games the same way. 

playing chess

Our children were excited to start playing. Having Once a Pawn a Time on our game shelf means I can incorporate something new into our homeschool day to strengthen critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence. And with the design of the box, we can easily take it with us to the park, library, etc. 

“One day the Queens and Kings and all their friends and neighbors found themselves picked up and dumped out of the sack onto the table.”

Would You Like To Play More Games? 

Games are a great way to boost critical thinking skills. Here a few more that I reviewed courtesy of Timberdoodle: 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Review of Speeches and Writings in American History from CursiveLogic

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Review of Speeches and Writings in American History from CursiveLogic; mother looking at child

I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product from Timberdoodle in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review or be compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page for more information. Thank you. 

Do you plan on teaching cursive in your homeschool? Have you included cursive in your homeschool in previous years, but you are looking for a new approach? We were pleased to use and review Speeches and Writings in American History from CursiveLogic this summer in preparation for our sixth-grade year. 

Please note this workbook is actually part of the 2024 Fifth-Grade Curriculum Kit from Timberdoodle, but we will be using it during sixth grade. I love the flexibility of homeschooling! 

Our younger son learned how to write cursive using a different style, but I wanted to offer him the choice to learn a different approach. The goal is to let him find what style of cursive works best for him. Enter CursiveLogic! 

About Speeches and Writings in American History

We have not used any other materials from CursiveLogic prior to Speeches and Writings in American History. I do not feel that was a detriment because there were several pages of practice and review before jumping into the speeches and writings. It starts out with reviewing orange ovals to form the first stroke and moves through connecting the letters, forming loops, and finally, capital letters. 

Before the student moves on to the speeches and writings, they check their posture, paper, pencil, and grip. And finally, "check your form" includes five more sets of questions to ask: 

  • Questions about the shape of the letters,
  • Questions about the size of the letters,
  • Questions about linking,
  • Question about spacing, and
  • A question about slant
The front of the book (which is laminated) has an alphabet reference chart with all 26 letters (lower and upper case), numbers 1-9, and the four types of connected letters. The back of the book has a vocabulary list from the speeches and writings.

handwriting pages

Whose Speeches and Writings in American History Will Your Child Be Writing? 

There are 18 individuals chosen to represent American History from Patrick Henry to Ronald Reagan. Speeches such as George Washington's Farewell Address and Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream are included. Witticisms from Poor Richard's Almanac and Helen Keller's essay on Optimism are also included. There is a wide range of people and periods in Speeches and Writings in American History. 

 A few other individuals are: 

  • Sojourner Truth 
  • Geronimo 
  • Susan B. Anthony 
  • John F. Kennedy 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Review of Speeches and Writings in American History from CursiveLogic; cover of workbook

How We Used Speeches and Writings in American History in Our Homeschool 

When our 11-year-old started the book, I assigned one page of the review sheets daily. I went over them and checked to see if he needed to make any corrections to his form. After he had completed those review pages, I started to assign the speeches and writings. One day was set aside for reading about the individuals and their writing. Some days, that first day also included the warm-up and vocabulary exercises. Other times, I saved that for a second day. In general, the lessons are designed to take place over four days. 

While each writing section has a spot for the student to check off the following items, I haven't yet used that with our son. 
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Linking
  • Spacing
  • Slant 
  • 3 P's
  • Relaxed Hand
  • Light Pressure 

"Explore American history through cursive writing! Delve into the lives of 18 notable figures, from presidents to activists, honing handwriting skills." 

A Mom's Quest to Teach logo; writing warm-up and vocabulary page

My Thoughts 

I really appreciate having a different way to teach cursive to our son. And the fact that this book can connect to American History is fantastic. We can connect his handwriting lessons to both history and language arts by using these lessons. We could even pull in spelling by using some of the vocabulary words for those lessons, too. 

How did we connect this to our other homeschool lessons? I printed out a copy of the entire poem "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to read. I have been having him read parts of the poem aloud. Eventually, I might ask him to copy the entire thing in cursive, too. 

There are a few other things in Speeches and Writings in American History that I really like. There is a midline review and a section on flourishes and signatures. One of the things we were talking about before we started the book was the fact that he would be able to pull from his experience with both styles to create his own signature. So, having this information presented in the book itself is wonderful. 

Finally, I like the inclusion of the Gettysburg Address in Lincoln's handwriting. I love primary documents, so we will be looking for more examples of the speeches and writings in this book to incorporate into our homeschool lessons. 

A Mom's Quest to Teach logo; Gettysburg Address in Lincoln's handwriting

Are You Looking For More Homeschooling Products? 

I have several reviews of products from Timberdoodle. Check them out using the following links. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Book Club: Book Review of The Beginner's Bible Craft and Activity Book

A Mom's Quest to Teach logo: Book Club: Book Review of The Beginner's Bible Craft and Activity Book

I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review or be compensated in any other way. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my Terms of Use and Disclosure Policy page for more information. Thank you.

The Beginner's Bible Craft and Activity Book is a good resource for families, Christian schools, and Sunday Schools. It is full of 30 fun projects based on Bible stories. The paperback book published by Zonderkidz features color photographs and illustrations. 

About the Book 

Everyday objects can be easily made to help bring your Bible time to life. There are 30 projects that align with stories in both the Old and New Testaments found in The Beginner's Bible. However, I do not think you need to have The Beginner's Bible in order to use this book in your home. You can easily seek out the stories referenced in the Bible translation of your choice. 

Some of the crafts include: 

  • Snake sock puppet
  • Decorating a t-shirt 
  • Friendship bracelet 
  • Paper plate crown 
Some of the activities include: 
  • Making a banana boat dessert
  • Baking bread 
  • Creating a blanket tent 
Some of the Bible stories include: 
  • Creation 
  • Joseph 
  • David and Goliath 
  • Jonah
  • John the Baptist 
  • Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) 

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of The Beginner's Bible Craft and Activity Book cover

Our Thoughts 

This is a great resource for homeschooling families and children's church leaders who need help making connections to the Bible fun and relatable. I found quite a few crafts and activities that would I like to do with our children. For example, I would like to make the three crafts connected with the flood and Noah, the Ten Commandments, and Psalm 23. Our son and daughter are looking forward to building a tent under our dining room table. And our daughter is eager to help me bake bread.

We made one craft so far (the handprint dove) and read through a few of the stories shared before the craft instructions. The only recommendation I would have for the book is to include step-by-step instructions for parents (and children) who need extra help to complete projects. If that can't be included in the book, perhaps a website could have the images as additional content. 

handprint dove

Looking for More Crafts?