Thursday, September 26, 2024

Book Club: Book Review of Meeting Her Match

 A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Meeting Her Match; photo of West VA

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Reading historical fiction can be so much fun (especially reading a good one on vacation)! I was lucky enough to start reading Meeting Her Match by Jen Turano while on vacation. It was the perfect book to read while soaking up the sun. So, while Meeting Her Match, the third book in The Matchmaker Series, is set in West Virginia, I was introduced to Owen and Camilla down the shore.

A Mom's Quest to Teach: Book Club: Book Review of Meeting Her Match

About the Book 

The story opens with a chase through the Hudson River Valley in the Spring of 1889. Our heroine, Miss Camilla Pierpont, is riding with her companion, Lottie, when unknown assailants attempt to kidnap her. It's during this escapade that Camilla meets Owen who is there to meet her.

Owen Chesterfield is seeking help to make a refined lady out of his sister, Luella. There have been some pretty disastrous run-ins between the Chesterfield and the Murchendorfer families of Wheeling, West Virginia. Eventually, Camilla agrees to help and travels to West Virginia. 

Of course, helping Luella isn't the only plot point of Meeting Her Match. Camilla herself is facing potential matchmaking as is Lottie, Owen's grandmother, and others.

My Thoughts 

This is a really fun book. From Camilla's pets to a surly pig named Esmerelda, there are quite a few humorous and well-written moments. The family and friends of the main characters, while not at the center of the story, jump off the page and invite the reader to learn more about them. 

The description of the homes, furniture, and clothing also brings the novel to life. While reading Meeting Her Match, I could feel myself sitting on the yellow sofa and hearing the swish of period dresses. 

I would recommend Meeting Her Match for those who enjoy historical fiction.

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