Thursday, April 26, 2018

Engaging History: Colonial and Revolutionary War Era America

Valley Forge National Military Park, Revolutionary War

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History has always been one of my favorite subjects. Now that we have reached Day Four of the 5 Days of...Homeschool Blog Hop, I will provide activities, journal-writing opportunities and questions, ways to include geography, music, and literature in your lessons, and projects for your children to complete to help bring Colonial and Revolutionary War period of American history alive. I urge parents to preview books, movies, and other resources and references prior to sharing with your children. Only you, as the parent, know what your children are ready to read or view in a movie.

A time period of American History that offers a lot of resources is that of Colonial and Revolutionary War Era America. But what if you don't live near the many historic sites and battlefields along the East Coast? There are still many opportunities to study Colonial America and the Revolutionary War with your family.

There are several books that can aid you on your journey to introduce how people lived in Colonial America and during the American Revolution.

Children's Books, history books, Colonial America,

From the If You Lived Series
...If You Lived At the Time of the American Revolution by Kay Moore and illustrated by Daniel O'Leary
...If You Lived in Colonial Times by Ann McGovern and illustrated by June Otani

From the Adventures in Colonial America Series:
Seventh and Walnut: Life in Colonial Philadelphia by James E. Knight
Boston Tea Party: Rebellion in the Colonies by James E. Knight

American Revolution Activities

  • Discuss the different names given to the American Revolution including the War of Independence, Revolutionary War, and American War of Independence. 
  • Label a map of the early United States colonies. In order to better understand how the colonies were separated, shade the New England colonies blue, shade the Middle Colonies yellow, and shade the Southern colonies green. 
  • Research the clothing and accessories of the time period. Design, sew, or create your own Colonial period clothing. 
  • Research the uniforms of the soldiers. Create your own uniform as either an American soldier or British soldier. 
  • In a journal, write about something you would be willing to give up or boycott to express your displeasure. Think beyond giving up your least favorite vegetable. 
  • Create your own New England primer for yourself or your younger siblings. Teach them the alphabet using it. 
  • Visit one of the many historic sites such as Historic Jamestowne, Yorktown Battlefield, or see the historic sites in Boston. And of course if you are studying the American Revolution, be sure to visit Philadelphia and the Independence National Historical Park

Independence Hall Philadelphia PA
  • Create a chart to compare and contrast the differences between the Loyalists and the Patriots during the War. 
  • Read the Declaration of Independence. If possible visit plan a visit to the National Archives Museum in Washington DC. 
  • During the American Revolution, if possible, nothing was wasted by the citizens. They made do reusing or re-purposing all they owned due to the boycotts and lack of trade. Do you think your family would be able to spend a week trimming down the amount of waste in your own home? Reuse or re-purpose clothing that is outgrown, find a use for leftovers, or use dishes and flatware rather than disposable ones. What else could you do? 
  • Make your own George Washington craft with your younger children. 
  • Read about Patrick Henry and perhaps try your hand at memorizing his "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech.  
  • Read through some of the sayings from Poor Richard's Almanac and illustrate them together as a family to hang up in your home. 

Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac

Resources and References 

Patrick Henry Memorial Foundation at Red Hill

Colonial Williamsburg Colonial Dress Codes

Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia, PA

Mount Vernon - The Home of the Washingtons

Franklin Institute

George Washington

A Mom's Quest to Teach Posts 

Trips: Washington Crossing State Park

George Washington's Birthday Craft

Drive Thru History Adventures - A Homeschool History Curriculum


  1. Visit Minuteman National Park Lexington

    1. Bit far for a day trip for us but there are so many sites in the New England area I want to visit some day.
